
Popcorn tv shows
Popcorn tv shows

popcorn tv shows popcorn tv shows

Think about it: when you watch a good movie, you might be consuming substantial content, but you might not be thinking about it all that much. It’s possible that people are actually more engaged and stimulated by content that they’re meant to hate. But why is it such a fail proof way to garner attention? Why do we love to hatewatch? And, in turn, the industry can’t stop producing content for us to hate - there are all sorts of bad movies and TV shows on a plethora of platforms. It seems that people cannot get enough of hatewatching. Despite very vocal backlash, the show continuously got renewed. The show accumulated a decent-sized viewership and a 6.6/10 rating on IMDB, given the amount of hate it received on social media. Still, I know I’m not the only person who enjoys hatewatching - the act of consuming media with the intention, or expectation, of disliking it - made evident by the popularity of shows like Riverdale. I would never have expected myself to be the kind of person who watches something for the sole purpose of making a mockery of it.

popcorn tv shows

I tried watching The Kissing Booth, but disliked it intensely from the airtight rules of friendship to the ‘OMG girls’ that are a poor imitation of the Mean Girls ’ ‘plastics,’ I found it cliché and unrealistic.Īnd yet, I raced to Netflix the day the sequel was released.

Popcorn tv shows