
What happens when you push the red button in an elevator
What happens when you push the red button in an elevator

what happens when you push the red button in an elevator

Once again, be warned, if you try these tricks, you could harm the elevator get yourself in trouble, and anger others. That trick is also used in TV shows to stop the car between floors so the characters can have a dramatic conversation. The doors will stay open and the car will wait until someone gets in and presses another button. If you want the lift to wait for you while you're grabbing something, press the emergency button after the doors open. Another method is to press all the buttons, which will cause some models will reset the selections to none.įinally, one that every apartment dweller probably knows. Not a good idea if the person who wanted to go to that floor is still in the elevator. In our example elevator, just press the button twice and the floor goes away. Now, what about the smart alecks that get in an elevator and press a bunch of buttons then leave. Let me know if you find any other makes this trick works on! Also reportedly pressing and holding your floor button until it reaches that floor can bypass any stops. Reports are that this trick works on most Otis models, except for those built in 1992 Dover models EL546 and ELOD862, and Desert models (except for ELD5433 and ELF3655). Experts say this should not work, but legions of bloggers beg to differ. Allegedly, you hold down the close door button when you press your desired floor and the elevator will skip every floor in-between, whether it's been pressed or not. We cannot advocate that you actually do any of these hacks as they may break the elevators you're in or raise the ire of other passengers enough that they'll want to break you.

What happens when you push the red button in an elevator